Publicações Cuartas, L. A., Nobre, A. D., Hodnett, M. et al., 2012. Distributed hydrological modeling of a micro-scale rainforest watershed in Amazonia: Model evaluation and advances in calibration using the new HAND terrain model. Journal of Hydrology: 404, 13–29. Nobre, A. D., 2011. Novas Geotecnologias no Ordenamento do Ordenamento Territorial. Antonio Donato Nobre, INPA & CST INPE 63ª Reuniao Anual SBPC, Goiânia. Nobre, A.D. 2011b, Brief History on the development of the HAND model in Interactive comment on “Land classification based on hydrological landscape units” by S. Gharari et al. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 8, C2439–C2445, Nobre, A.D., Cuartas, L.A., Momo, M.R., et al. 2015. HAND contour: a new proxy predictor of inundation extent. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10581 Nobre, A. D., Cuartas, L. A., Hodnett, M. et al 2011a. Height Above the Nearest Drainage – a hydrologically relevant new terrain model. Journal of Hydrology 404, 13–29. Nobre, A. D., Cuartas, L. A., Hodnett, M., Saleska, S. 2014. Fine-Scale Relief in the Amazon Drives Large Scale Ecohydrological Processes. AGU Fall Meeting, Session: Global Forest Dynamics and Interactions with a Changing Climate III, San Francisco. Nobre, A. D.; Silveira, A.; Rodrigues, G.; … Cuartas, L.A., 2011. Aspectos físicos e geográficos das áreas ripárias no Brasil: análise preliminar da legislação. Ciência para o Código Florestal. São José dos Campos: Centro de Ciência para o Sistema Terrestre – INPE, 110 p. Relatório Científico. Rennó, C.D., Nobre, A.D., Cuartas, et al 2008. HAND, a new terrain descriptor using SRTM-DEM. Remote Sensing of Environment 112, 3469–3481. Referências externas Chauvel, A., Lucas, Y., and Boulet, R., 1987 On the genesis of the soil mantle of the region of Manaus, Central Amazonia, Brazil. Experientia 43, 234-240. Cuartas, L. A., Tomasella, J., Nobre, A. D., Hodnett, M. G., Waterloo, M. J., Múnera, J. C., 2007. Interception water-partitioning dynamics for a pristine rainforest in Central Amazonia: marked differences between normal and dry years. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 145 (1–2), 69–83. Rahmati, O., Kornejady, A., Samadi, M., Nobre, A.D.. Melesse, A.M. 2018. Development of an automated GIS tool for reproducing the HAND terrain model, Environmental Modelling & Software 102, 1-12. Sioli, H., 1984. The Amazon: limnology and landscape ecology of a mighty tropical river and its basin. W. Junk, 763 p. Waterloo, M. J., Oliveira, S. M., Drucker, D. P., Nobre, A. D., Cuartas, L. A., Hodnett, M. G., Wilma, I. L., Jans, W. P., Tomasella, J., Araujo, A. C., Pimentel, T. P., Munera Estrada, J. C., 2006. Export of organic carbon in run-off from an Amazonian rainforest black water catchment. Hydrological Processes 20, 2581–2597.