
The HAND Model, Height Above the Nearest Drainage, is a revolutionary, robust and versatile digital terrain model normalized by the drainage network. The HAND model is also the conceptual, physical and computational basis for quantitative exploration of the landscape’s topo-hydrology.

A hydrologically revolutionary concept, the HAND model substantiates physically the terrain’s relative gravitational potential – or the equivalent to the localized drainage potential – which reveals in a coherent and predictive way several surface processes related to water movement, accumulation, infiltration, storage and drainage.

The HAND model was conceived and developed in Brazil. The project is coordinated by Antonio Donato Nobre (Center for Earth System Science CCST at the National Institute for Space Research INPE) and Luz Adriana Cuartas (Center for Monitoring and Alert of Natural Disasters CEMADEN), with funding from the GeoClima project (CNPq) and the Brazilian Terrestrial System Model (BESM Rede Clima).


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